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Please send email to jx.led @ qq.com Let me know your specific requirements:

  1. work site, requirements, latest time limit, site contact person;

  2. site photos, design drawings, Party A requirements;

  3. acceptance criteria, procedures, who will confirm;

  4. payment method。

Please send email to jx.led @ qq.com To inform you:

  1.  Skills and supporting documents, such as certificates;

  2. Performance description, acceptance report, site photos, etc

  3. work city,work time,

  4. Compensation settlement requirements, whether willing to serve from the platform deployment and so on.



Contact: aaron

Phone: 13670231461

Tel: 13908061471

Email: jx.led@qq.com

Add: No. 1, Dayang Second Road, Yulu community, Yutang street, Guangming District, Shenzhen, Guangdong

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