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Who will become the data tentacle of smart city?

Who will become the data tentacle of smart city?

2021-03-15 10:33:37 [editor: lynn1212]

2021 is the beginning of China's 14th five year plan. In the 14th five year plan, the government proposed to adhere to the core position of innovation in the overall situation of China's modernization, take the self-reliance and self-improvement of science and technology as the strategic support for national development, and put forward "accelerating the construction of digital society", "building a smart city" and "exploring the construction of digital Twin Cities".

At this year's two sessions, the discussion on smart city was also very enthusiastic.

Smart city is an advanced stage of urban development

From the infancy, to the toddler and toddler, to the juvenile period of learning and learning, and then to the mature and stable adult period, people's life is constantly upward in a spiral.The pace of urban development is just like a person's growth history, from desolation, to pioneering, to crowd gathering, to livable, more and more perfect.Find and solve problems, correct mistakes, reshape experience and grow in exploration. Human beings never stop pursuing a better living environment and a more convenient life mode, nor do they stop looking forward to urban construction.So, what will be the next step in urban development?It is a smart city.

Photo source: paixin genuine Gallery

For city managers, smart city is to benefit the government and reduce the burden;

For enterprises, smart city is to promote development and reduce costs;

For ordinary people, smart cities are convenient and beneficial to the people.

Smart city is the product of the development of electronic information technology to a certain height and the inevitable product of the high digitization of the city. It can be said that smart city is an advanced stage of urban development.

 Hot discussion between the two sessions to boost the development of smart city

At the two sessions of the National People's Congress in 2021, the discussion on the construction of a new smart city continued to heat up. Many deputies to the National People's Congress offered suggestions and expressed their views on "the construction of a smart city:

Robin Li, chairman of the CPPCC National Committee and chairman and chief executive officer of Baidu, suggested speeding up the popularization of automatic driving business and intelligent transportation so as to make people travel more green and convenient and achieve the goal of carbon peak. Ma Huateng, chairman of the National People's Congress and chairman and Chief Executive Officer of Tencent's board of directors, has carried out government guidance and market participation in specific fields such as Internet education, Internet health care, financial technology and so on. Innovative pilot projects with;

Xu Rongmao, member of the Standing Committee of the CPPCC National Committee and chairman of the board of directors of Shimao Group, suggested strengthening the application of smart governance in smart city construction;

Liu Wei, member of the CPPCC National Committee and chairman of Jiadu technology group, proposed to promote the highly integrated development of urban agglomeration rail transit, industry and cities;

Yang Yuanqing, deputy to the National People's Congress, chairman and CEO of Lenovo Group, advocates building a diversified, intelligent and efficient new computing infrastructure to effectively support the high-quality development of digital economy;

In the world, various problems existing in travel, shopping and environment are optimized and fed back to the real world.

From this perspective, "data" is undoubtedly the foundation of smart city.

So, who will become the tentacle of a smart city to collect and obtain these figures?

Three wheel drive, accelerated construction of smart road pole

Street lamps are all over the streets of the city. In addition to undertaking the function of basic lighting, they are also gradually developing in the direction of smart street lamps. Integrating the functions of cameras, advertising screens, charging piles and small base stations, they are ideal tentacles in the construction of smart cities.

This year's two sessions also have a voice dedicated to the construction of smart street lamps.

Cable "smart light pole + 5 base station multi pole combination pilot demonstration, realize social resource sharing, take state-owned enterprises as the main body, introduce social capital, and jointly build 5g smart light pole project

Lin Mingfeng, chairman of Zhouming technology, spoke through the media and made suggestions on the two sessions. He said that as an important core of digital + technology intelligent interaction, the LED industry has great potential in new infrastructure and smart city construction. On the one hand, LED display screen has become the core interactive port of smart city construction and 5g + 8K application end; On the other hand, the smart pole has also become an important part of the big data portal of the digital city and the city wide perception skin. It is suggested to vigorously promote the construction of 5g + 8K display technology and 5g smart pole, so as to build a new "cloud + end" network of smart city and help high-quality economic development.

Figure: Zhouming smart pole Internet of things Ecology (source: Zhouming technology official website)

The size of street lamp Market (smart street lamp market only includes lamp cap products and single lamp control system) is US $1094 million, with a compound growth rate of 8.2% from 2019 to 2024.

Return to smart city construction itself. A clever woman can't cook without rice. Without the support of data, a smart city will only be a castle in the air. However, the author believes that in addition to collecting data, how to make effective use of data and open up the "data island" is also a difficult problem to be solved jointly by the government and enterprises under the large-scale construction of smart city. (text: ledinside Lynn)

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